24 February 2025 12:32

Externe buffer Maasvlakte Plaza geopend / use of external buffer at Maasvlakte Plaza

* For English see below *


Geachte relatie,


Op dit moment is de pre-gate buffer maximaal benut en zijn wij genoodzaakt verder te bufferen op de externe buffer bij Maasvlakte Plaza.


Zodra aanvullende informatie beschikbaar is, of de situatie verholpen is, zullen wij u informeren.




Dear relation,


Our pre-gate buffer has currently reached full capacity and we will start buffering on Maasvlakte Plaza.


When we can provide additional information, or the situation has been resolved, we will inform you accordingly.



Met vriendelijke groet / kind regards,


Execution Supervisors Operations

Hutchison Ports Delta II

Coloradoweg 50, 3199 LA Maasvlakte-Rotterdam

E: rot.executionsupervisors@hutchisonportsdelta2.com | T: 31 (0) 181 - 372442