16 February 2022 08:07

IMPORTANT: possible delays due to heavy winds at Hutchison Ports Delta II

Geachte relatie,

Wij verwachten de komende 2 dagen zware windstoten.

Dit kan effect hebben op het operationele proces en op de kadeplanning.

We volgen de weersomstandigheden nauwgezet en zullen u direct informeren wanneer wij genoodzaakt zijn de operatie op de terminal of op delen daarvan te staken.

Supervisor Execution
Hutchison Ports Delta II



Dear customer,

Please be informed that we expect heavy wind in the upcoming 2 days.

This may result in operational consequences and subsequently influences the berth planning and vessel movements.

We are continuously monitoring the weather conditions and will inform you when we need to discontinue terminal operations, or parts thereof.

Supervisor Execution
Hutchison Ports Delta II