06 September 2021 05:22

IMPORTANT: Pre-gate procedure at Hutchison Ports Delta II as of 05h15

Good morning,

Please be advised that we are currently using the pre-gate procedure to efficiently manage the flow of incoming trucks. We expect that we will use the pre-gate procedure until approximately 15h00. We inform you as soon as the pre-gate procedure has been ended.

*) This time is an estimated. No rights can be derived from this.



Momenteel maken wij gebruik van de pre-gate procedure om de inkomende stroom vrachtwagens efficiënt af te handelen. De verwachting is dat wij tot ongeveer 15:00 uur gebruik zullen maken van de pre-gate procedure. Wij informeren u zodra de pre-gate procedure is opgeheven.

*) Deze tijd in een inschatting. Aan deze informatie kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend.