De wereld van Hutchison Ports

Hutchison Ports exploiteert een van 's werelds meest uitgebreide havennetwerken en geïntegreerde binnenlandse dienstennetwerken.

16 February 2022 17:38

IMPORTANT: possible delays due to heavy winds at Hutchison Ports Delta II as of now

Geachte relatie, Wij ondervinden veel last van zware windstoten en gezien de aantrekkende wind zullen wij genoodzaakt zijn om operationeel volledig stil te gaan. Onze gate zullen we voor inkomen...

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16 February 2022 08:07

IMPORTANT: possible delays due to heavy winds at Hutchison Ports Delta II

Geachte relatie, Wij verwachten de komende 2 dagen zware windstoten. Dit kan effect hebben op het operationele proces en op de kadeplanning. We volgen de weersomstandigheden nauwgezet en zull...

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04 February 2022 14:09

IMPORTANT: 24/7 Gate opening from February 1st

Dear relation, We would like to inform you that our gate will be open 24/7 from February 1st. ################# Geachte klant, We willen u informeren dat onze gate vanaf 1 Febru...

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02 February 2022 11:38

IMPORTANT: Slow running exit at Hutchison Ports Delta II

We would like to apologize for the slow-running exit at our terminal. We are working hard on the solution to this problem, unfortunately this takes longer than expected. Therefore, take into acc...

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01 February 2022 18:18

New VGM website

Dear relation, We are happy to announce that our new VGM website is live as of today. Nothing will change in our container weighing service, but we hope that the new website will be even more effic...

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31 January 2022 20:33

IMPORTANT: all operations resumed at Hutchison Ports Delta II as of 20h00

Dear relation, Please be advised that all operations (landside and waterside) have resumed as of 20h00. We hope to have informed you sufficiently. ************** Geachte relatie, Ter in...

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