16 January 2025 08:26

UPDATE: Alle operaties gestopt als gevolg van dichte mist / operations suspended due to dense fog 16/01 04h30

* For English see below *

Geachte relatie,

Momenteel zijn alle operaties nog steeds stilgelegd als gevolg van zeer dichte mist.

Om de verkeersdrukte bij de gate te ontzien hebben wij enkele trucks de terminal opgelaten, de operatie is momenteel nog niet hervat.


Dear relation,

All operation still has been suspended due to dense fog.

To reduce the amounf of traffic at our gate we have allowed some trucks to enter the terminal, please keep in mind that operation still has not been resumed.


We will keep you informed of the situation and inform you in due time when operations are resumed

Met vriendelijke groet / kind regards,

Execution Supervisors Operations


Hutchison Ports Delta II

Coloradoweg 50, 3199 LA Maasvlakte-Rotterdam

E: rot.executionsupervisors@hutchisonportsdelta2.com | T: 31 (0) 181 - 372442