Get Your VGM!

Your easy container weighing solution in Rotterdam

As of July 1st, 2016, the new international regulations as part of Safety of Life at Sea Convention (SOLAS) require every laden export container to have its weight verified before it is loaded. A verified gross mass (VGM) should be provided for each full export container.


The container weighing regulation is in line with Hutchison Ports Delta ll strong commitment to safety. In compliance with the regulations Hutchison Ports Delta ll will not load any container of which there is no VGM declared. Thus for Hutchison Ports Delta ll “no VGM = no load”.


The shipper is responsible for providing the VGM of the container. The shipper needs to ensure that the VGM is communicated to the shipping lines sufficiently in advance dependent on shipping lines’ deadlines.


Hutchison Ports Delta ll have invested in container weighing solutions compliant with new SOLAS regulations. This solution ensures that cargo for which no VGM has been declared before entering the terminal does not risk delay and supply chain disruption, but can be weighed on the terminal itself.

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The customer should pay in advance during the order process, using either creditcard or iDeal.

If incorrect data (container number, terminal or after/before gate-in) has been provided by customer, the customer should cancel order by contacting the terminal using the contact details on the website. If an order cannot be carried out by Hutchison Ports Delta ll the terminal will cancel the order and send an e-mail to the customer. In both cases we will refund the payment to the creditcard or bank account of the customer within 14 days, but in the first case we will deduct a 2.50 EUR charge for the transaction costs.



The rate for weighing a container which is already at the terminal is 150.00 EUR per container which has to be paid online when ordering the container weighing service. The rate includes the handling and transport of the container from the stack to the weighing facility and back, as well as weight generation and data transmission. The rate is €90.- and includes the weight generation and data transmission.

The container number needs to be known at the moment of request.


